What do you want to do when you grow up?

It’s one of those questions isn’t it?

What do you want to do when you grow up?



Nick ponders…

I’m not sure I’ve ever known the answer, and for the last 45 years or so I must admit I’ve only revisited the question a few times, and even then without ever reaching a conlcusion. As time has passed the fatuous nature of the question seems to have increased, leaving me to consider that it isn’t a very good question at all. It’s aggressive, judgemental and perhaps even accusatory. So, let’s try another.

What would you like to do next?

That’s a little more pleasing. It doesn’t tell me that I ever have to ‘grow up’, whatever that may mean, and also goes some way to infer desire and fulfillment. It’s a nicer question and far more encouraging, but at the same time frighteningly huge.
You may have guessed by now, that my current employment circumstances are leading me reconsider this question, and yes, after 18 and half years at the same company, albeit in a wide variety of roles, we will shortly be closing the doors. Carrying on will not be an option, so a new decision must be made.
Beacuse I’m a coward, I’m leaning to modifying my preferred question to:

What would you like to do next, for cash?

But it spoils the question doesn’t it? What seemed so joyful, hopeful and full of possibility is tainted by that little addendum ‘for cash’.
I think perhaps I should set about answering the first part, then asking myself if it is financially viable. At least that way I’ll have a list of things I enjoy doing.

So; deeply smitten husband, international bon-viveur and recreational motorcyclist who loves home life, travel and doing ‘stuff’ seeks genuinely interesting opportunities.

Sounds a bit (granted only a little bit) like corporate bollocks, doesn’t it? But I’m awful fidgety without a good project. OK, the house wont paint itself, and the grass needs cutting, those won’t take long though.

Go on, inspire me.

Does anyone need such a chap? I’m quite good at ‘things’.

A brief ponder…

Hmmm… This social networking malarkey seems to be more advert orientated every time I look at it & I can’t say I’m enjoying the perpetual and pervasive nature of these adverts. I mean, really, to whom are they talking? Sure as eggs is eggs it ain’t me.
Advertising as a whole does very little for me, I can count on the fingers of one hand the purchases I’ve made as the direct result of advertising and every last one has been disappointing.
I can’t say I’m immune to its effects, there are some clever fuckers out there who know how to make one think in a certain vein, although it’ll come as no surprise to those who know me that I’m a sceptical old bugger and I reckon that helps me filter the worst excesses. Scepticism and belligerence, two of my finest qualities it seems.
Still, sun’s out and spring is springing I’d best get out and smell the daisies rather than whining about how Facebook has started annoying me.


Well, the old revblog was goosed, and no amount of manual installing was seeming to help, so, here in all it’s *glory?* is the brand new revblog…a compendium of gibber, motorcyling, broken bones, roller skates, and very probably tasty morsels.